Elizabeth A Danto, Ph.D. and Alexandra Steiner-Strauss, MMag.
Anna Freud, Dorothy Tiffany Burlingham and the ‘Best Possible School’
The first comprehensive exploration of Anna Freud’s and Dorothy Tiffany Burlingham’s joint educational endeavor in Vienna of the 1920s, 1st Edition, Routledge Publishers London, 2018.
About the Editors
Elizabeth Ann Danto is emeritus professor at Hunter College – City University of New York, and an independent curator who writes and lectures internationally on the history of psychoanalysis as a system of thought and a marker of urban culture. She is the author of Historical Research (Oxford University Press, 2008) and her book Freud’s Free Clinics – Psychoanalysis and Social Justice, 1918–1938 (Columbia University Press, 2005) received the Gradiva Book Award and the Goethe Prize.
Alexandra Steiner-Strauss is a historian of Viennese art and culture; former lecturer at the Kunsthistorisches Museum and curator, Theater Museum Vienna; author of Trägt die Sprache schon Gesang in sich. Richard Strauss und die Oper (2014); and co-author of Gustav Klimt und Wien (2012) and Anna Freud in Wien (2016).